Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paradise Lost=Judeo-Christian Worldview

The conflict in Book One of Paradise Lost is the Pride of Satan overcoming his mind. This conflict begins before the Fall of Man. It starts out as Satan's Pride then gradually he became so prideful he believed he could get all the attention taken off of God and given to him. He is then kicked out of heaven by God so his prideful manner gets the best of him. He and his "angels" then try to gain/conquer heaven but there is another conflict that arises and that is the conflict between Satan & his devils and God & his angels. In Book One of Paradise Lost the universe is flawed because of Satan's pride which resulted directly in his temptation of Eve and Adam in the garden of Eden. A few flaws of the universe of Paradise Lost are:

  • Satan believes he himself can "rule" earth
  • Satan and his "angels" fight against God and his Angels because of Satan's struggle with Pride
  • Satan is the cause of the sins of Mankind

"Of Man's First Disobediance, and the Fruit

Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast

Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,

With loss of Eden, till one greater Man

Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat"(Book One of Paradise Lost-first five lines)

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